Insect🦟 and bees🐝

These are a few random snaps from around. 

This time I did not have the macro lens adaptor for the mobile camera. But the default feature of the lens is still good enough for such medium subjects. I would still need the macro adaptor for any smaller subjects like ants. The mobile also works its magic on the colours, making short work of post-processing. You will also be surprised at the print quality, any standard 8x10 for example.

The insect is from the wild, on a hiking trip.

Insect on a flower

The bees were busy in a plant store. The plant stores in the spring and summer have a bounty of flowering plants for purchase. It is real fun to see what are wild flowering plants from the tropics seen in a shop out north (with a hefty price tag sometimes). (Again no macro adaptor used here.)

Bee on a flower

Bee on a flower

Bee on a flower

Bee on a flower
