Ants are a regular in spring, coming in swarms. This time I laid some sugar crystals to lure them for a photo-op. It was fun to watch the tiny crystal of sugar reduce with a visit by each ant (also a nice idea for a time-lapse ⌛⌚)
Being very fast, it is not easy to capture them, especially with a mobile camera and a macro lens attachment. And this being indoor lights was not really an ideal condition for such a fast moving model. The lens attachment for the mobile camera requires moving very close to the subject, and is very difficult to go close to jittery subjects. Laying out some sugar crystals was a great help in getting them to pause for a while, though the pincers and antennae are always moving.
A tip to myself next time is to prepare a light-box. That would greatly help with controlling the light and getting some stop-action.
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